Fonts | What Fonts Are Available?

Fonts | What Fonts Are Available?

A list of publicly available Google fonts for use with 2d and 3d Products can be found the Text Area > Formatting rollout within the product edit interface. The system currently houses 363 Google Fonts for Public use.

*There is currently a known limitation when trying to set multiple fonts from the same font 'Family' eg italic, bold variations etc... In these scenarios, the system can only register one of the fonts for display purposes in the smartlink/generated artwork. 



If the font you require is not listed on the platform, we can add fonts as per your requirements. Users of the platform cannot currently import their own fonts, this has to be done by KX staff. Please visit our support portal at and create a new ticket with details of the fonts to be added.

Please note: KX cannot guarantee cross platform compatibility for any imported fonts, as this can be affected by factors beyond the influence of our technology. For example, some Operating Systems and Browsers may render fonts differently based on the metrics defined within the font file when it was originally created. 

For these reasons we highly recommend the use of fonts that have been optimised for web usage as they generally render more consistently across the board - this is why we advise the use of Google Fonts as we find they perform more consistently.

For more technical compatibility information and FAQ's see: Fonts | Troubleshooting and Compatibility


There are two options available for font imports:

1. Google Fonts

Google fonts can be quickly added to the platform (and many are already installed). Simply supply us with the name of the font - the Google font then gets added to the Public folder for all users to access.

The range of Google fonts can be viewed here (please consider this is regularly added to, so the list may not be a true reflection of what is now on the system):


2. TTF / OTF Fonts

We can install ttf or otf fonts onto the platform - there may be cost implications depending on volume as these have to be done manually.

The pricing of TTF and OTF font installations is based on the file handling, categorisation management and a conversion process which makes the files compatible for use on the system.

Simply supply us with the ttf or otf files, along with the name of your Company details, and we can attribute the font against your user account.

It is the user's responsibility to ensure that all necessary permissions and usage rights are adhered to as per the font licensing agreement. It is also the user's responsibility to test any fonts that they have installed for both production purposes and cross browser/platform suitability. 

We highly recommend that you actively cross browser / platform test the font to ensure no compatibility or order related issues.