KornitX Platform Imports & Exports - Variants

KornitX Platform Imports & Exports - Variants

How Can I Set Variants Via An Import? 

Anyone with a built product including either attributes or aspects can import variants within platform. The variants need to be made by customers as what variants they receive must be specified. For example, you could want the SKU to be "Main Supplier SKU-Aspect SKU-Attribute SKU" and this is what you will receive in Order Manager. 

This example attached has taken into account the main product SKU, the colour SKU and finally the size SKU which have formed a Variant SKU example variant SKU. We have added the correct headers to this as specified in the comments -  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z31JZUx4BqeA9wFBs4-wgqdcyjvHPCD3-jhCYB2RErI/edit?usp=sharing

Critical: Download this sheet to create your variants as this link is read-only

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